LEGO Early Wooden Toys

Today we will return to the early days of Lego and try to explore the fun of early wooden toys.

In 1932, carpenter Ole Kirk Christiansen turned to making furniture, household goods and toys due to lack of construction orders. By 1934, wooden toys had become the focus of his work, and he named these products "Lego".

Although the wooden toys made by Ole are simple, they are well-crafted and beautifully decorated. As for the material, although today's Lego company in the official website is "beech wood", but a lot of folk materials are mentioned "birch".

The early wooden toys produced by Lego have many themes and styles, including vehicles, animals, household items, etc. In particular, animal-themed push-and-pull toys-such as "wooden ducks"-became almost synonymous with Lego's early wooden toys.

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